A New Name and Other Changes

You may have noticed that one of the many changes going on to the library is the addition of a new name. Made official by the dedication ceremony over the weekend, the library at USF will now be known as the LaVerne & Dorothy Brown Library.

It was named to honor extraordinary leadership and outstanding support given to the University of St. Francis and the community. LaVerne “Bitz” and Dorothy “Dottie” Brown have provided leadership to improve the quality of life for citizens through education, health care and community development.

Mr. Brown served as a member of the university’s Board of Trustees from 1974 to 2011, one of the longest serving members. The USF Board of Trustees approved the library naming last spring.

Other changes made to the library recently include the newly renovated entryway; landscaping improvements, complete with the addition of outdoor seating; the renovation of the Curriculum Lab into the Special Education Assistance Technologies (SEAT) Lab; a renovated elevator and the upgrading of the student computer workstations in the library’s computer lab.

For photos of the exterior changes, head over to the Brown Library’s Archives blog.